Thursday, January 7, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Ok, so it's time for "Happy New Year." We're a little behind.

We had a really wonderful Christmas in Charlottesville. All 5 of the Dill siblings made it, along with the 3 Dill grandchildren, a couple of partners, and Gramps & Amala. (Thank you, Sue & Norman, for hosting the madness at a busy time of year!) The best part of the visit for us was Juniper's developing relationship with her aunts and uncles. None of them had seen her since she hit the verbal explosion and became much more able to interact with people in a toddler sort of way. It was love on all sides.

We've put together a photo album from the trip, plus a few bonus pictures from our Christmas celebration with the Honeycutts. Enjoy!

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