Juniper has fallen madly in love with her sleeping bag (thank you, Jennifer W). She loves to play in it, snuggle in it, hide in it, make herself a burrito in it, and - yes - sleep in it.
Those of you in GA know that we're not having sleeping bag weather these days. I recently went to wake her up from a nap and found her completely encased in the sleeping bag, covered from head to toe. When I pulled her out of it, she was radiating heat and so drenched in sweat that her hair was as wet as if she'd just gotten out of the bath. We've temporarily hidden the sleeping bag and are looking forward to pulling it out again when the weather cools off. Juniper has asked for it every bedtime since it disappeared, but so far she doesn't seem too sad that it's gone. She's willing to settle for a lightweight seersucker blanket (thank you, DeeDee), as long as she's tightly wrapped up in it. "Make me a burrito. Can you make it tight? Can you make it tight all the way?"
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