Look who has glasses!
We'd noticed that Juniper goes cross-eyed when she looks at something up close and took her to the eye doctor to have that checked out. It turns out that she has strabismus, a condition where her eye muscles are not working together to focus on objects. Left untreated, the brain might start to ignore the information coming from one of her eyes, leading to a lazy eye (which has its own host of potential unwelcome consequences). Juniper is not nearsighted or farsighted but is now wearing bifocals to help correct the strabismus.
She was a champ during the exam and glasses fitting, and so far she's pretty enthusiastic about the glasses. I think it helps that both of her parents and many of her adult family and friends also wear glasses. We'll see how it goes once the novelty wears off.
(A post script for all the Applegaths: Am I the only one who looks at Juniper's nose and smile and sees Katy Applegath Baker?)
Sally, Joseph has a dear friend (age 3) with the same condition, but in addition to glasses he also has to wear a patch on his left eye. Sometimes Joseph talks about how he wants glasses or to wear a patch because he has "one eye that is sleepy."