Monday, September 26, 2011

Apple season

We recently headed up to Ellijay for some apple picking fun.

Juniper was excited to pick apples...

...until she learned that she couldn't eat them until we paid for them.

Jorge was a much better sport than Juniper.

Thankfully, there were lots of other fun activities:

Milking a dairy cow

Assorted tractors to drive

Pig racing

A warehouse where we could observe the commercial side of the operation

A giant "bounce pillow" ...

... which Juniper loved

Fun facts about cows (which our nerdy girl also loved)

Did we mention the tractors?

Next time we go apple picking, Hazel will hopefully be able to do more than just observe (and sample the goods).

You know it was a good day when the kids are this tuckered out at the end.

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