Friday, April 20, 2012

Hunting for Eggs

This was the first year we dyed Easter eggs. It should come as no surprise to anyone that Juniper enjoyed the dyeing process. She was particularly fond of the dipping wand.

We hid most of the eggs in the back yard for Juniper to find, and we got Juniper to hide a few in the front yard for Hazel. Juniper got into being on the grown-up side of the hunt and enthusiastically helped Hazel look for her eggs without wanting to take any of the easy ones for herself.

We weren't sure how Hazel would do with the hunting, but she quickly understood what was going on and was quite serious about looking for eggs. She even found a couple in the back yard.

Juniper also had a good time on the egg hunt, but with her more difficult to find eggs there was some whinging at the end. She's vehemently opposed to the hotter/colder game these days, which made it a little more difficult to give her clues without coming right out and telling her where the last few eggs were hidden.

We usually try not to have too many photos of the exact same thing in any one blog post, but Hazel hunting for eggs in her little spring dress was just too darn cute. We can't resist.

For more egg-hunting cuteness, check out this photo gallery.

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