Monday, September 24, 2012

I see it!

Hazel admiring the flowers?

Nope: "I see it aihpane! I see it aihpane!" Hazel is obsessed with all forms of transportation--buses, trains, trucks, cars--and airplanes might just be her very favorite. We recently attended a birthday party a few blocks away from a golf course where a PGA tour event was taking place. Hazel was enthralled by this advertising blimp that was circling above the golf course. Normally, planes aren't so low to the ground and don't stick around for so long.

Last Sunday at UUCA, Hazel had a meltdown and I was paged to pick her up from the nursery. I brought her into the quiet room, which has a glass wall that looks over the sanctuary. When Hazel saw the rows of people sitting, she thought that they were in an airplane and desperately wanted me to open the door so that she could also go into the airplane.

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