Monday, April 22, 2013

Shedding and adding layers

When getting dressed, Hazel has a strong and longstanding preference for layers - multiple shirts, shorts over pants, pants over pants. In some ways, it's a convenient trait for a baby or toddler. Spill food all over your top shirt? Just peel it off, and you've got another shirt underneath.

She's started sleeping out of her crib some nights, and one morning I found her wearing literally every single pair of underwear she owns. Getting her undressed to change her diaper felt like a cross between a clown car and a matryoshka doll. I just kept taking underwear off and laughing harder and harder at each new pair I discovered. She had on 11 pairs of underwear. All that elastic actually pinched her fat thighs so much that she was complaining her legs hurt, and a week later she still has red marks on the outside of her thighs.

Today she was wearing the perfect Hazel outfit: a short-sleeve shirt over a long-sleeve shirt, shorts over pants, and a dress over everything.

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