Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hazel's first dental visit

We've mentioned before how much we love our dentist's office. Hazel had her first checkup last month and, once again, they were superb. Juniper went first, so that Hazel could observe and get excited about the fun she was soon to have.

 Juniper helped Hazel get situated...

 ...and even helped Ms. Jennifer clean Hazel's teeth! (She's a pretty good helper--she's had lots of practice helping with her parents' cleanings.)

 Hazel opened wide, cooperated with everything, and was thrilled to get a new toothbrush and some treasure at the end of it all.

Ms. Jennifer remembered that Juniper had also worn a cape on her first visit and was delighted to watch this little super hero running down the hall, just like her big sister.

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