Thursday, July 21, 2016

On the boat

Juniper and Hazel both put these Pullman beds on their lists of top best things about the trip. (We learned the difference between a Murphy bed--comes out of the wall--and a Pullman bed--comes out of the ceiling.)

They really enjoyed spending time in our tiny, efficient stateroom.

The adults were more interested in getting out on the open decks of the ship and enjoying the magnificent views...

...despite the cold.  Which some of us felt more than others.

The kids were also big fans of this terrific Rube Goldberg device that moved colored golf balls along several tracks, with sound effects, surprising bounces, and even a little mechanical putter. On more than one occasion, our kids spent a good half hour entranced by this device.

Child-free Rebecca seemed vaguely baffled by our determination to sign up for the early dinner seating at 5:30. Juniper demonstrated why by falling asleep in the dining room before the meal was over our first night on the ship.

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