Wednesday, May 26, 2010

At the lake

Last month was our midwives' annual "homebirth reunion" potluck picnic. It was a blast to be outside on a beautiful day, enjoying good food and a crowd full of happy families. Despite the still-cold temperatures, the highlight of the event for Juniper was definitely playing in the lake.

Our original intention was just to wade in the lake up to our ankles, maybe throw some sand and rocks...

... or dig some holes.

But then Juniper managed to get her clothes wet.

We gave up on the shirt...

...and then decided that it's perfectly decent for a two-year old to be naked at a public lake--especially in this lefty crowd.

Mmmnh...yummy lake water.

By the time we finally dragged her out of the lake, she was cold to the touch, shivering, and covered in goose bumps. But happy.

And tired.

Thanks to Birthing Right Midwifery for a wonderful afternoon (and all that they do and have done to help our family grow)!

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