She was insistent that she was Juniper, not the Invisible Woman. Once we all agreed that she was still Juniper, dressed like the Invisible Woman, she was delighted with her costume. "I look like Sue Storm!" "I'm wearing a costume!" "I look like the Invisible Woman!"

This was the right crowd to appreciate the costume. She earned lots of smiles, chuckles, and a few "Look - it's a little Sue Storm!" comments.

Juniper enjoyed people watching before the parade began.

But the highlight of the day for her was definitely the comics section of the parade. She delightfully called out the various super heroes she could see, at one point gleefully screaming, "I see all of them!"

"I see Wolverine!"

Proud dad. We try not to be the sorts of parents who want our kids to turn out just like we did, but Aaron is thrilled by Juniper's love of superheroes.

Aaron was also thrilled by this appearance of the BatMobile. I failed to be duly impressed, which Aaron attributes to my general "car blindness."

Pirates gave her the necklace, and a Starfleet Academy officer gave her the jolly rancher (her very first hard candy).

After the parade, we had a picnic lunch at Centennial Park. Mark's small stadium seat was practically a recliner for Juniper.

Our sleepy super hero. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, before her nap time would normally start. Sure sign of a good morning!
Glad to hear you had fun, true believer!