Juniper was excited to wear her Sue Storm costume again today. There were some games and treats after church, and (like last year) she had lots of fun on the playground.

She was also very excited about our jack-o-lantern and thought it was pretty neat that the jack-0-lantern and I matched. (It was a good year for simple DIY costumes in our household this year. Blue sweats plus white paint; orange T-shirt plus black gaffer's tape.)

Our current neighborhood was a bust (no kids or houses with porch lights on), so we drove over to Oakhurst, the neighborhood where we used to live. Oakhurst had a very satisfying level of Halloween activity, and Juniper several times found herself in the middle of a big gaggle of costumed kids.

Trick-or-treating with Juniper was a blast. Not knowing what to expect, I think that she would have been perfectly happy and satisfied to go to one house, get a lollipop and then head home. After the third house, she observed, "We're going to a lot of houses!" Much of the time, she was running and bouncing down the street in sheer delight. Her candy consumption tonight far exceeded her previous lifetime candy intake. We'll see whether or not she notices that her basket is much more empty when she wakes up than it was when she went to sleep.