At the same time, it was also a fun trip with lots of great family time. This was the first Brooks family trip where Juniper was one of the kids, not one of the babies. She was able to run around with the big kids, and she had an enthusiastic blast. One of the highlights of her weekend was getting to swim in the irrigation pond for Uncle Walt's vineyard.
Janet got some water wings, which worked perfectly. Juniper was able to float and kick and "swim" all by herself in the deep water. Can you tell how much she enjoyed her watery independence?

Juniper and her Aunt Rebecca paddled a boat around the pond (with help from cousin Brooke, whom you can just barely see kicking up waves as she motorboats behind them).

Steep sides plus an inflatable boat made for a fun water slide.
In fact, the slide was so much fun that just a photo doesn't really do it justice.
After a while, Juniper was even willing to brave the water slide, as long as she could go down snuggled up with her dad.
Post-slide, Rebecca, Aaron, and Juniper floating in the water.

At the end of her pond adventures, she was all tuckered out. We know Juniper's a good sleeper, but it's been a while since she fell asleep at a dining room table.
That is so great! The last photo is just perfect.