Labor Day weekend is the annual Dragon*Con parade. Juniper was giddily excited the morning of the parade. She woke up at 5:30 to use the bathroom and hopefully asked me, "Is it time to go to Dragon*Con?" This year, she decided to dress up as a dragon for the parade.

Just an ordinary crosswalk in downtown Atlanta on Labor Day weekend. Juniper loved it.

Hazel, on the other hand, was hot and tired and bored and desperately wanted to go home and have a nap.

We met several friends for the parade, including Juniper's buddy Thomas. His favorite thing about the parade was the "Busterghosts" or "Ghostbustards." Juniper's favorite was Captain Planet. The morning of the parade, she expectantly asked whether we would see Captain Planet. I tried to lower her expectations, since this isn't exactly a popular modern comic franchise. I needn't have worried. In addition to Captain Planet himself, there were scads of Planeteers and even a couple of ecovillains. I wonder how many people at the parade recognized, by name, both Hoggish Greedly and his sidekick Rigger. Thanks to the $0.50 bin at the comics shop, we did.

After the parade, we went to Centennial Park to eat a picnic lunch and splash in the fountains.

Juniper and her cousins all had fun splashing and playing.

Hazel thought that the park was much more fun than the parade.

Till next year, kiddo. Your dad and I are officially and publicly promising that next year we will get our lazy act together to come up with some sort of family costume. Probably not Klingons, but we'll do something.
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