It's no surprise to anyone that Hazel loves LEGO. Anything that Juniper loves is automatically fascinating to her. And she'd probably love LEGO even without her sister's influence. An infinity of little pieces, in different colors and shapes--what's not to love about that? Now that Hazel is past the point where she immediately puts everything in her mouth, she enjoys being allowed to play with LEGO with Juniper.

While Juniper builds and sends her LEGO creations on elaborate adventures, Hazel diligently and happily transfers LEGO pieces from point A to point B--in this case, from the pile on the floor to Janet's lap. If you look closely, you can see that her shirt pocket is lumpen and full of LEGOs.
She also loves hats, which in Hazel's world includes things like this giraffe headband. Any time she sees a hat, she'll pat her head and say "Ha. Ha! HA!" with increasing urgency until we put said hat on her head.