Juniper's good friend Thomas just turned 4!
We celebrated his birthday at the Oakhurst Community Garden. Hazel was
delighted with the chickens. Juniper was more excited about the dirt and
worms (of the oreo and gummy variety). When I saw a big pile of dirt and worms on her plate, I asked her whether she'd had any real
food first, or just gone straight to dessert. She assured me that she'd started with real food: "Chips. And watermelon."
Trying to convince Thomas to move away from the serving table, someone asked
him whether he wanted to move to the picnic table with all his friends.
Thomas protectively put his arm around Juniper's shoulders and
proclaimed, "I am with my friend." They're a delightful pair. Aaron's
theory is that they get along so well because both of them have
stereotypically boyish interests (superheroes, police, stopping bad
guys) but play like girls
(sustained imaginative narration, not very rough and tumble).
Whatever the reason for their special spark, we're glad to have Thomas
in our lives.

Hazel did get to ride in the wagon with the big kids. At one point there were 6 kids crammed into the wagon. They all grumbled about not having enough space, but not a one of them would get out and wait for the next turn to ride.
All in all, it was a very fun day at the gardens!
Part 2: I just realized that when I did this post last night, I missed a couple of photos Aaron had given me.

We knew the Lego steam roller was a big hit when Thomas' parents told him he could open it at home and he immediately replied, "let's go home!"

True friendship = sharing your special birthday cake.
Part 2: I just realized that when I did this post last night, I missed a couple of photos Aaron had given me.

We knew the Lego steam roller was a big hit when Thomas' parents told him he could open it at home and he immediately replied, "let's go home!"

True friendship = sharing your special birthday cake.
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