Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Halloween

It would be hard to overstate Juniper's excitement about Halloween this year. 

 Office Thomas, Hazel the Duck, and Juniper the Friendly Witch all had a very good time trick or treating. (Though there was one wolf costume that made Hazel cry. She calls it a teddy bear and is still talking about it.)

Hazel was confused by mama's makeup, but she did describe it as "fancy."

Hazel stole the show this year. Lots of people commented that she was the cutest thing they'd seen all night, and at least one woman called her husband out to take a look at Hazel after we'd left their porch.

 Hazel enjoyed getting "presents" from all the houses we visited.

Toddlers with lollipops are gross.

Four-year-olds with  lollipops are also gross.

The witch leads the way.

Not pictured: Aaron, who as Peter Parker incorporated his camera into his costume.

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