Thursday, March 20, 2014


Yesterday was Juniper's sixth birthday!

To celebrate at school, Juniper got to bring in her family and a favorite book for a special story time. It was an absolute delight to see Juniper mimic her teacher in reading the book to the class. She showed the pictures for each page, asked leading questions to get the kids to observe rhymes or details in the pictures, and admonished the other children to be quiet and sit on their bottoms. If you look closely, you can just see the top of Hazel's head snuggled up with the beloved Ms. Wong.

After the story time, Juniper happily passed out cookies to her classmates.

Back home after school, Juniper found it nearly impossible to resist the presents sitting on the dining room table. She kept trying to convince me that she should be allowed to open just one before Aaron finished work and joined us.

 The moment Aaron arrived, she delightedly tore into her presents.

Our little geologist now has a rock hardness testing kit. Her kit includes 9 of the 10 minerals that make up the Mohs hardness scale (the 10th, and hardest, mineral is the diamond). We're looking forward to putting it to use to identify some rocks and minerals!

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