This year while buying egg dye, I succumbed to the lure of a kit that promised to give us amazing metallic eggs. We got a little shimmer, but nothing like the photo on the box. Thankfully, the girls' only expectation for egg decorating is to have lots of fun, and that expectation was fully met.
One problem with the golden egg project was that the condensation on the eggs messed up the paint. The blow dryer helped some, until the girls decided that the most entertaining use of the dryer was blowing everything off the table
Our overgrown back yard made for a challenging egg hunt this year.

After searching for real eggs, we went over to DeeDee's house, where the girls were introduced to Cadbury Cream Eggs. Juniper loved hers.
Hazel sampled a few bites and then asked us to scrape out the middle so she could have "just chocolate."
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