Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Ask Magazine's October cover story was all about eating bugs. Anyone who knows Juniper can guess how she reacted to that story: nonstop requests for edible bugs. We were not able to find the frozen wax worms to make white chocolate and wax worm cookies, but we did find some mealworm snacks at our local science museum's gift shop. We got the cheddar cheese and BBQ flavors.

Juniper was thrilled. She was excited to try the bugs, enjoyed eating them, and enthusiastically brought them into school the next day as part of her lunch. This is a kid who is comfortable standing out from her peers.

I think this picture says more about Aaron's take on the experience than it does about Hazel's actual reaction. Although not so enthusiastic as Juniper, she was fine with the bugs and did not actually look like a symbolic representation of death and decay while she was eating them. Given how loudly and consistently Aaron preaches the gospel of trying new foods, there was no way he could get a pass on trying the Larvets, but he was obviously pretty revolted by the very idea of them.

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