Saturday, July 4, 2015

Japan: Safari Park Zoo

We visited a zoo where you could pet and feed capybaras.


And kangaroos!

But mostly, our kids just wanted to hold cute small rodents.

On the one hand, we thought, "We're in Japan at a zoo with capybaras and kangaroos, and you just want to hold bunnies and guinea pigs that you could find at any pet store in America?!" On the other hand, who can argue with a smile like that?

 So we spent a long time hanging out with the bunnies and the guinea pigs...

...and the dwarf hamsters too.

I don't think our photo collection reflects just how ubiquitous this sort of photo prop was in Japan. I have to say that I think this is one of the better ones of them.

The big attraction of this zoo was the safari park ride. We rode in one of these caged, animal-themed buses...

...and got to feed large animals with tongs. Lions!

And grizzly bears!

Being able to get this close to bears was pretty amazing--definitely the highlight of the safari park. (But I think the girls would have traded it for a dwarf hamster in a second.)

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