Sunday, August 23, 2015

Japan: Little Samurai

On our last full day in Japan, we visited historic Gifu castle. It was our excellent good luck to be visiting on the day of Gifu's local festival, when there were extra activities like dressing up as adorable samurai.

 Excuse me, did I say adorable? I meant to say fierce.

Castle defenses -- check!

Ready to defend her sister, the noble (or scholar, or some other unarmored person).

Hazel was very serious about her samurai responsibilities...and undaunted by the weight of her heavy armor.

Unrivaled in battle, our noble samurai was eventually defeated by the most insidious enemy of all--the sheer exhaustion of travel, fun, jet lag, lack of naps, adventure, and late bedtimes of a four-year-old on the road. (In the interest of full disclosure, I don't think this photo was actually taken on the same day we went to Gifu Castle, but it captures Hazel's state on most days of the trip.)

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