Monday, January 18, 2016

Christmas pageant

Friendly beasts, angels, and shepherds all illicitly stomping down the pews.

Too old for Baby Jesus, too young for a friendly beast...maybe next year, Fern.

Cutest sheep, ever. Hazel explained to me that the best thing about the pageant is that it lets her know when it's Christmas Eve.

Hazel insisted that the Storm Trooper tattoo on her forehead was fine, because her sheep mask would cover it up.

I guess the angels were more interesting than the action down below. Juniper was among the angels for the first time in this year's pageant. Apparently, she and Violet worked out a deal to rotate between angels and beasts each year, so that they can be together in the pageant. Forever. Juniper seems to think that she and Violet are on track to being the only middle-aged beasts/angels in the show.

Merry Christmas, sisters.

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