Saturday, January 20, 2018

Baby goats!

Last summer we visited a goat farm where we saw adorable baby goats. (And got to eat goat's milk ice cream.) The youngest were just two days old.

Some of my colleagues at CDC joked about being involved in a recent salmonella outbreak investigation that was ultimately linked to a goat farm, and half kidding/half serious reminded me to practice good hand hygiene. I doubt this is what they had in mind.

There is no logical reason to let goats nibble on your fingers, and yet...

Juniper and I were both squeaking puddles of goo, overcome by the cuteness of the goats. Thomas was probably partly serious and partly enjoying playing his role when he went on at length about their deliciousness.

And while on the subject of baby animals, look who we found hiding in a tree over our driveway!

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