Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Still quotable

Juniper: Coin laundry? Is that a place where you wash your coins?

Hazel (while camping, holding a bag of marshmallows, with white goop on all 10 fingers): Let's talk about me. I'm very comfortable. Can I stay up all night eating marshmallows?

Juniper: Is there a kind of app that you download and it does good things for your computer? Like bienware?

Hazel: What's the kind of counting where you go 1, 1, 2, 3, [pause] 5, [ p a u s e ] 8...?

Juniper (describing some new, fleecy leggings): These are awesomeness turned into pants!

Explaining the song lyric "Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen..."
Hazel: I don't think she's that pretty.
Aaron: Enough people thought she was pretty that she was known as one of the most beautiful women in the world. But different people can have different opinions about who is the most beautiful woman. For a long time, I thought it was an actress named Parker Posey.
Hazel: I think it's Mom.

Hazel (Telling a story about someone with a secret): She almost let the beans out of the box!

Hazel: Could you two please be more quiet?
Sally: Sorry, I thought you were already awake.
Hazel: I am awake, but I'm resting. I want to keep daydreaming. Or maybe it's restdreaming.

Finally, some questions grown-ups never need to ask:
Does anyone want my chewed up carrot? (Juniper)
Mama, can I wipe you? (Hazel)

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