Sunday, August 11, 2013

Classroom visit

Friday was orientation at the International Community School, where Juniper will start kindergarten tomorrow. ICS is a public charter school with a mission of providing high quality education to refugee, immigrant, and American-born children. We feel really lucky that Juniper won a spot in the lottery to attend ICS. We're excited about both the curriculum (emphasis on investigation and discovery, project-based learning) and the diverse community (half of the kids in her class are learning English as a second language).


We visited Juniper's classroom and were delighted to meet her teacher. Ms. Wong seems like she will be a great fit with Juniper, and Juniper was obviously smitten with her. At one point while we were there, Juniper needed to go to the bathroom. Ms. Wong discovered that the light in the girls' room was burned out and started to apologize. Juniper cheerfully replied, "It's ok, I like to be in the dark." Aaron and I raised our eyebrows and told Ms. Wong that Juniper was trying hard to impress her. At home, Juniper refuses to enter rooms with no light.

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