Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mother Goose

Hazel has discovered Mother Goose, and those old nursery rhymes are in high rotation in our house. Humpty Dumpty is her favorite (she calls our nursery rhyme collection the "Humpty Dumpty book"), but she loves all of them. On a recent long car ride, Juniper entertained herself and Hazel with repeated readings of "Old Mother Hubbard." The girls were laughing themselves silly at the antics of Mother Hubbard's dog. Juniper occasionally had to stop reading to catch her breath from laughing so hard, and at some points they started laughing with anticipation before the punch lines even came: "oh, oh, oh, this is the funny part!!"

Aaron and I enjoyed their obvious delight in the silly poem, and we were struck by the thought that kids have been laughing at these rhymes for over 200 years. Many thanks to friends Diane and John, who gave us this book shortly after Juniper was born.

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