Last weekend, we went to
Nature's Harmony Farm to pick up our Thanksgiving turkey.

Juniper had a fantastic time running around the fields and seeing all the animals.

The only downside of the day was that she didn't understand why she couldn't touch all of the animals. A particularly pathetic moment was when I carried her away from the pigs, while she desperately squirmed and tried to run back to them, sobbing, "I NEED TO SOFT THE PIGS! I NEED TO SOFT THE PIGS!!!"

But she did get to soft a peacock, a baby chick, and a couple of farm dogs.

We saw cows...

...and, of course, turkeys. The toms were all showing off and trying to impress the visitors. Birds like this are obviously the inspiration for the ubiquitous image of the Thanksgiving turkey.

The toms weren't the only ones with personality.

We feel really lucky that there's a local farm where we can buy free-range, heritage turkeys, a rare thing in a country where almost all meat is produced on factory farms. It also made for a really delicious Thanksgiving meal!