Monday, April 12, 2010

Joy and Compromise

On the way home from work today, we picked up two giant shopping bags full of Duplo blocks (thank you, Craig's List). Juniper was very excited about playing with her new blocks. Sadly for her, she had to make it through the entire car ride home before she could play with them. The blocks were in the way back, where we couldn't reach them even if we wanted to, but Juniper seemed to think that with the right negotiation strategy, she could get some blocks.

J: I wanna play with the blocks.
J: Please, I can play with the blocks?
S: I'm sorry honey, but we can't reach them. You can play with the blocks when we get home.
J: I just want some blocks, not all the blocks.

A few hours later, after much block playing and some dinner, Juniper wanted more time with the blocks.

J: I'm gonna play with blocks.
S: It's bedtime, not block time. You can play with the blocks again tomorrow, but right now it's time to get ready for bed.
J: I just wanna play with them a little bit, not too much.

We reached a compromise that Juniper could hold two blocks while she got ready for bed. One of those blocks was a figure of a little girl, which she was holding as I carried her from the bathroom to her bedroom.

(J says something clever or cute.)
S: That's my girl!
J: (Triumphantly holding up the little Duplo girl) Just like that's my girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - we will be able to built a much bigger house at the next visit.
