Juniper and Violet were absolutely delighted to see one another, and they still play together in an interactive, engaged way that's amazingly different from how Juniper plays with any of her other friends. But they are three, and they do still fight about the things that three year olds fight about. They had a big kerfuffle when Juniper "stole" Violet's flush by swooping in and flushing the toilet after Violet had used it. Violet was very upset, and the grownups had to facilitate a long discussion about feelings and fairness and who gets to flush when. It was at the same time completely serious for the kids and completely absurd.
Once Juniper understood Violet's take on the situation, she tried to apologize (a real apology, not the breezy and insincere "sorry" she usually tosses out), but Violet wasn't ready to accept her apology and tell Juniper "it's ok." Violet had been unjustly wronged, and it was not yet ok for her. Juniper briefly wandered off and then came back with the sweetest and most ineffective peace offering I've ever seen. She came up to Violet and oh-so-sincerely asked her, "Did you know that Phobos and Deimos are Mars' moons?" The look on her face was sweet and hopeful, shining with the generous satisfaction of having just shared something wonderful with Violet.
Kid, you mean so well, but you've still got a big lesson to learn about knowing your audience.
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