Aaron and I feel like we have made it to the promised land. This photo was taken one morning right after Hazel woke up--in the room that she and Juniper now share. (Juniper, our heavy sleeper, is still conked out in her bed.) The girls are sleeping well together, and we have our room back to ourselves.
We've known all along that the girls would one day share a room, and Hazel was clearly ready to move out of our bedroom. However, we were concerned that the transition would be difficult because Hazel is such a light sleeper. We hemmed and hawed and discussed solutions for imagined problems. We debated and dithered about the optimal strategy for how to manage the girls' shared bedtime. And then, about a week ago, we stopped dithering, gave up on optimizing, and decided to wing it and see what happened. Our final strategy was to set up the pack and play and put Hazel in it and let the bedtime routine work itself out.
There is much to be said for parenting the path of least resistance and trusting that if you get out of your kids' way, everything will be just fine. There have been a few days when one (or both) of them was sobbing when we left the room, but they've settled down quickly and seem to take some genuine comfort from the other's presence in the room. There have been a few days when one of them was up a little bit later than ideal because the other wasn't ready for bed on time, but no one was the worse for it. There have even been a few perfect days when everyone was ready for bed on time and no one cried.
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