Aaron recently uploaded a bunch of photos from his camera and was surprised to discover this one. "When did you take this?" I'm not sure why he sounded so surprised. We have a large and growing collection of sleeping Juniper pictures; like her father, she could probably sleep through a marching band. Before Christmas, Aaron went in one night and took Juniper's chest measurements for her superhero costumes; we had no qualms that she would be disturbed by someone lifting her up and wrapping a measuring tape around her. Juniper wins the award for heaviest sleeper, but Aaron takes the prizes for being the quickest to fall asleep. He'll often lie down with Juniper "for just a few minutes" and wind up taking a nap himself.

Hazel, on the other hand, is the light sleeper in a family of logs. We go to great lengths to avoid disturbing her when she is asleep. When we do have to enter the room where she is sleeping, she typically pops out of bed as soon as we open the door. On those very rare occasions when we catch her asleep, Aaron and I will huddle next to the bed in hushed wonder at the sight of our sleeping child.
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