Friday, August 8, 2014

We're back!

It's been a fun and busy summer. We went swimming in the Clarkston pool (lots) and at Lake Jackson (once), took a Honeycutt family vacation to Chattanooga, celebrated birthdays (Aaron and Sally), slept late, read good books, hung out with friends, got mosquito bites, marveled at lightning bugs, ate cherry tomatoes from our own garden and ice cream from just about every establishment anywhere nearby, played board games, got fed up with one another, built giant block towers, made up and snuggled with one another, ran in the sprinkler, went for hikes, hid in the house because it was too darn hot (or rainy), participated in the library summer reading program, argued about the application of sunscreen (but avoided sunburn), and enjoyed lots of lazy days together.

You'll see photos of some of these things in future blog posts, but much of what made our summer so fun were the low-key days that no one thought to photograph. Hope you enjoyed your summer too.

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