Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Quotable kids

Looking at a telephone pole
Hazel: Why isn't it cooked?
Sally: What? I don't understand.
Hazel: But you can only get splinters from raw wood.

Juniper: Something is pondering me.

On being old enough to go from nursery care to Sunday School classes
Hazel: I'm thinking that there might be some celebrating in the big church because I'm done with the nursery.

Expressing concern about her very first spelling test
Juniper: And there are two four-letter words!
Aaron: Only two words? That doesn't sound bad.
J: No, there's lots of words, but only two of them have four letters.
A: What's one of the four-letter words?
J: Back.
A: How do you spell back?
J: B-A-C-K
A: See, you can spell four-letter words. What do the other words have, three letters?
J: Yeah, and two letters.
A: This sounds easy.
J (indignantly): Easy for you!! You can probably spell proboscis!!

Hazel (getting into a hot car): It smells like the sun!

Talking about some litter she just saw
Hazel: And one time, with Dad, we saw a bunch of those little papers that steal from poor people.
Sally: Lottery tickets?
Hazel: Yeah, that litter. There was a bunch of them. Those people weren't being very respective of the world.
(I think this one may say more about her parents than it does about Hazel.)

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