We had about 24 hours of travel time, with flights from Atlanta to San Fransisco, San Fransisco to Tokyo, and Tokyo to Nagoya, followed by a train ride from Nagoya to Gifu. The fantastic seatback entertainment kept the girls entertained on the flight to San Fransisco. Sadly, there was no seatback entertainment on the very long flight across the Pacific.

Ever the champion sleeper, Juniper napped on the first flight and slept for several hours on the long flight.
Hazel had a harder time of it, but after some weeping and sorrow she did finally manage to fall asleep. All in all, the girls were troopers on this very long travel day.

We were pooped upon our arrival, but jet lag had us up bright and early the next morning. Hazel joined Kevin in walking his kids Sam and Nina to school. Hazel and Nina hit it off immediately and continued going strong for the rest of the trip.
The girls' first bath together was also their last bath together. There was no temperature that worked for all three--either Nina was freezing, or Juniper and Hazel were burning. As Kevin described it, Japanese children are trained from an early age to tolerate hot baths.
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