Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Japan: Conveyor belt sushi

Eating at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant may have been the highlight of our trip for Juniper, so I've invited her to help me caption these photos. Everything in italics is from her.

So much sushi on the conveyor belt! I love it!

Why does Hazel have all the pictures? That one with the sign does look good, on the conveyor belt of course. She's pointing to some sushi on the conveyor belt; I'm sure it's shrimp.

Because Hazel was at the table with Aaron (and the camera); Juniper was sitting at the other table, with Chikako. Juniper is correct that Hazel does love shrimp. She basically subsisted on white rice and shrimp, with the occasional noodle, for most of our non-breakfast meals. She describes sushi as "rice, and sometimes nori, with food on top."

That's the plastic bullet train that brang us sushi. Sushi means rice. Sushi is my very favorite food. You take it off the conveyor belt at this restaurant. YUM!

You could take food off the regular conveyor belt, or special order exactly what you want using the touch-screen computer at each table. Special orders came on the top track, delivered by bullet train.

That's shrimp, our very favorite fish. I also love nori.

Finally, one of me--even though I'm peeking through a little window.

Happy kids at a fun restaurant!

This is an unrelated comment for the Applegath family members: I've mentioned before that I think Juniper looks a lot like Katy, especially in her nose and smile. I really see that resemblance in this photo!

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