Saturday, June 27, 2015

Young Jedi

This past week, Hazel attended Jedi camp at the local Y!

She was a little disappointed that there was no actual light saber training, but on the last day the kids did get to bring in costumes and accessories for the Jedi Parade. (Thank you, Paula, for Hazel's costume.)

The kids thought that the silly version of one of their camp songs was an absolute hoot--I believe the line about "Luke Chickenwing" brought out these big smiles.
Our family went full on for Star Wars this week. In addition to Jedi camp, we introduced her to The Clone Wars and watched both Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The climactic final battle was pretty intense for Hazel ("Is Luke going to turn to the Dark Side?" "Is Darth Vader going to die?"), but she absolutely loved both of the movies.

Hazel was very proud to leave camp with a certificate that proclaims her an official Jedi!

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