Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day/Sleepaway camp

This year we celebrated Father's Day in some ways that are typical for our family. The girls made posters and gifts, and we had a lingering big breakfast.

We visited Toccoa Falls (one of the tallest waterfalls east of the Mississippi). Toccoa is a Cherokee word that means "beautiful," and these falls and the surrounding region are aptly named.

The girls clambered like mountain goats and enjoyed getting close enough to the waterfall to feel its spray.

But this Father's Day, it wasn't all about Aaron.

We were up in Toccoa to drop Juniper off for sleep away camp at Camp Toccoa! Here she is claiming her top bunk. She was a little bit nervous in the week before camp, but by Saturday night she was just excited. ("I'm too excited to sleep! I wish it was already tomorrow!") She was delighted to head off to camp and looking forward to making new friends (but also hoping that there wouldn't be anyone mean in her cabin, especially not her bunk mate).

When we left, she had just joined a circle of other girls and was learning how to play Poison Dart Frog--a favorite camp game.

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