Sunday, October 25, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Absolutely Hazel

Every so often you get a picture that captures someone perfectly. This recent photo of Hazel is one of those.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

More Quotable Kids

Hazel: I heard on the news, there's a Really. Big. Spork, heading north.

Juniper: This would be a GREAT name for a god! Owlena. Get it? Owl plus Athena. OWLENA!
[Editor's note: as a former giant classics nerd who still has a very soft spot for the myths, legends, and literature of Ancient Greece, I cannot exaggerate how happy this made me.]

After hearing a news story about conflict in Syria
Hazel: I know! Juniper, when we grow up, we can be peacemakers, and then there won't have to be any more war!

Starting a "conversation story"
Sally: Once upon a time, a friendly dragon fell into a hole.
Hazel: And the dragon was trapped, and the dragon could only see the sky. The dragon couldn't get out.
Juniper: And then erosion (which is a natural process), erosion happened so that the earth around the hole was worn away, till it was all the same level, and the dragon flew away.

Hazel: For my birthday, I want some weapons and a necklace.
Aaron: Ok. For a necklace, do you want something like a pearl bead necklace?
Hazel: No, I want the kind of necklace that goes around your waist and you can hang weapons from it.

Juniper: If we all dressed up as a werewolf family, that would be really creepy!
Hazel: That's a great idea! We just need some vampire teeth.

Hazel: Was Macbeth a bad guy?
Sally: Yeah...complicated, and interesting, but a bad guy.
Hazel: Like Darth Vader. He's a complicated bad guy.

After reading a description of what infinity is
Aaron: Can you think of something that's infinite?
Juniper: Well, the universe is finit, but it's always getting bigger, so that's infinite. It's finit and it's infinite.

Hazel: Mama?
Sally: Yes ma'am?
Hazel: Don't say "yes ma'am." You can say "yes pumpkin."

Sitting next to her sister, not too long before Christmas
Hazel: What would be a good place to buy a book?
Sally: What do you mean? What kind of book?
Hazel: Oh, you know, a book with magic...and stuff...and adventures...and...things. A book that's full of fantasy and all the things Juniper likes.
Sally: If I wanted to buy a book like that, I would go to Little Shop of Stories, or I would go to Amazon, which is an online store on the internet.
Hazel: Let's go to the Little Shopping Stories, but don't tell Juniper.

Hazel: What's a scimitar?
Juniper: It's a curvy sword.
Sally: That's absolutely correct, but how do you know what a scimitar is?
Juniper: I read a lot of books.

While setting up our new bird feeder
Hazel: We just heard some birds. I think the birds are spreading the news about the bird feeder.

Opening a box of chocolates
Juniper: I got a white man's sampler!

Flipping through a street atlas
Hazel: I'm reading a GPS book.

Hazel: Sometimes when I'm at Waffle House, I have a growth spurt. Because I like the food so much.

Hazel: It's hard to put on lip goo.
Aaron: Why?
H: Because I have a dirty sock on my face.
A: Why do you have a dirty sock on your face?
H: To protect my nose from Juniper's farts.

Reading a counting book
Sally: What's this number?
Hazel: Seventeen.
S: And this one?
H: Eighteen. 
S: And this one?
H: Nineteen.
S: And this one?
H: Zeroteen.

Hazel: I don't believe in spirits, but I do believe in magic.
Juniper: I believe in the spirit of nature.
H: I believe in the spirit of fighting.

Hazel: When I'm 5, I'll decide whether or not I believe in God.

Juniper: That was wicked!
Hazel: What do you mean? That was awesome!

After reading the Percy Jackson books, Juniper was wondering whether she might be the demigod child of various Olympians.
Hazel: If you were a child of DiaNOsus, you'd really like beer.

Juniper: Due to the misunderstandment...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Japan: Goodbye

I thought I posted this one a few months ago with all the other Japan photos, but I just discovered it in the drafts list.

Take your pick on leaving, realism...

...or metaphor.

I'm personally partial to the children chasing the falling cherry blossom leaves, but tired kids and trains are certainly part of travel.