Sunday, August 21, 2016

Friends & Fireworks

After our cruise returned to Seattle, we took the train down to Portland to visit our friend Kelly.

Although Hazel is too young to remember when Kelly lived in Atlanta, she immediately took to Kelly like the good family friend she is.

In addition to being an all around wonderful person, Kelly won extra bonus points with Hazel for keeping us all plied with ice cream, chocolate, and doughnuts. If you ask either girl, they will tell you that Portland has AMAZING food. (Aaron and I agree.)

I've never gone out for 4th of July fireworks dressed like this, but it's a little cooler in the Pacific Northwest than the Southeast.

Kelly's condo is an easy walk to fireworks, but we were briefly delayed by this passing train.

We made it! Fireworks, bridges, river -- fun!

In case there was any doubt that Juniper is a truly champion sleeper, here she is, fast asleep against Kelly's legs, while the rest of us watch fireworks.

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