Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tracy Arm Fjord

One of the highlights of our cruise was sailing up the Tracy Arm Fjord. What do you know, a there's a reason fjords are known for being some of the most remarkable landscapes on earth. I could easily repeat the word beautiful and its synonyms for every photo in this post, but I'll try to restrain myself and let the pictures speak for themselves.

We often arranged the seating so that the kids had their backs to the window. At breakfast they were generally more interested in the rare excitement of playing with individual size cereal boxes than in the scenery.

The fjord ended at the Sawyer glacier.

Not actually tire tracks, although the pattern definitely suggested it.

I had no idea there was so much color variation in ice.

This is about all the adults wanted to do for the few hours that we were in sight of the glacier and passing through the fjord.

See all those little black dots on the ice? At first, that's all we noticed...

...but with binoculars we could see that each dot was a seal!

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