Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jr. Midwife

One of the exciting things about having a home birth is how involved Juniper gets to be in the process. She's been to a couple of prenatal appointments and "helped" at the last one. Our midwives have told us that by the end, Juniper will practically be able to run the prenatal herself (or at least think she can).

Juniper always enjoys playing with measuring tapes. She was thrilled to measure Mom's belly, just like Miss Claudia did.

Checking out a life-size drawing to get a sense of the size of the baby in Mom's belly.

She was a little hesitant to try the fetoscope until I showed her that it was ok.

But once she warmed up to it, she was delighted to hold the fetoscope...

...and even more delighted to listen to the baby. Pretty impressive that she can hear the baby's heartbeat without even having the fetoscope in her ears.

1 comment:

  1. Sally, Congratulations on your second! Hope everything goes well for you. Willow
