Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We have a few (tightly sealed) paint cans in our laundry room, from past or planned home improvement projects. Yesterday, Juniper and Violet were holding paintbrushes and going back and forth from the paint cans to Aaron.

J: We're painting you! We're painting you brown. [The girls run back to the paint cans and then return to Aaron.]
J: We're painting you red.

Repeat multiple times.

J: We're painting you purple.
A: Can you paint me purple with yellow polka dots?
J: [seriously] We don't have any polka dot paint.
A: Can you paint stripes on me?
J: We don't have any stripe paint.

A few minutes later...

J: We do have polka dot paint! I'm painting you striped polka dots!

Later that day, after Aaron thought the paint adventures were over, he walked into Juniper's room (on the far end of the house from the laundry room) and found them with two paint cans - a quart and a full gallon. Violet looked up at him and informed him, "We can't get them open."

Note to selves: make sure the paint cans are well out of reach before the girls have the strength and motor skills to open them!

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