Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In the Tent

Hazel grasps...

...while Juniper wiggles and flames.

Juniper actually got TWO tents for her birthday. They are obviously from people who know her well; she loves playing in both of them. We've designated one for inside and one for outside, which seems to maximize playing opportunities while minimizing mess. Hazel, Juniper, and I had a fun time in the inside tent yesterday. As you can see in the video above, Hazel spent much of her time intently focused on one of door flap ties. She also enjoyed some nice, frantic kicking. At one point, I was outside the tent and looked down to see one fat, flailing leg sticking out of the tent window.

Near the end of Juniper's video, she makes a comment about a Flame On book. She got a wonderful treat at school yesterday. A few weeks ago, when they were learning about the sun, they did some paintings in Juniper's ideal color palette: reds, oranges, and yellows. Her teacher often turns the kids' art into books, and she made these sun paintings into book that could not be more perfect for Juniper. The full text of the book is approximately as follows:

Cover - What time is it?
Pg. 1 - It's time to FLAME ON.
Pgs. 2-7 - It's time for [child's name] to FLAME ON.

Each kid had a page, and when Shannon read the child's name, it was her turn to run flaming around the classroom. The kids all loved the activity, especially Juniper (who was conveniently wearing her new flaming costume from Janet).

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