Juniper's birthday just keeps on going. Janet (AKA DeeDee) arrived in town on Saturday for a week-long visit. Saturday night before bed, Juniper got part 1 of her present from Janet: a superhero quilt. Juniper was delighted. She insisted on removing all other bedding and carefully smoothing the quilt down on top of the bed. She did later consent to have her pillows UNDER the quilt. She was very clear that NOTHING was to go on top of the superhero quilt.
(Aaron is especially pleased that the mixing of DC and Marvel characters clearly indicates to anyone in the know that this must be a homemade item. Janet's just sorry she couldn't find any Fantastic 4 fabric.)

Between Janet's arrival and her excitement over the quilt, Juniper was pretty keyed up long past bedtime. Thankfully, the promise of reading her "Superman" library book lured her into bed. It was a cool night, so Janet tried to convince Juniper to get under the quilt. She briefly gave it a try, but was immediately agitated by how that rumpled the quilt. Back on top. After Juniper was soundly asleep, we ducked in to cover her up with a blanket.

Sunday morning, Juniper got part 2 of her superhero birthday gift: a flaming-on Johnny Storm costume. She was flaming with joy.

Juniper-Johnny flaming on in an igloo on Pluto. (At least I think that was what was going on here.) That's one happy superhero kid. Kudos to DeeDee for making the best superhero birthday presents ever.
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