Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Special Valentine's Day breakfast: red, heart-shaped biscuits; pink whipped cream; and mixed berries. Hazel was a fan.

Juniper got into the spirit of the day and really wanted to wear Valentine's Day clothes. However, her tastes are such that she doesn't have lots of pink and hearts in her wardrobe. She was considering her red and black checkered lumberjack overalls but was saved by discovering these tights with hearts and flowers hiding in the back of her sock drawer. She wanted to wear the tights with nothing but a red turtleneck, but I put my foot down on that one. The final outfit: flowery tights, a purple dress with pink flowers, orange rainbow shirt (in her mind, rainbows are almost as Valentiney as hearts are), pink galoshes, and her pink/red/purple striped coat.

Juniper was a little sad about going to school today, and at first we didn't understand why. Juniper finally was able to explain that she was sad about going to school on a holiday, because holidays are family time. We talked about it, and she got the idea that Valentine's Day is like Halloween, not like Christmas or Thanksgiving. For the record, she went on to have a fantastic day at school.

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