Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm so glad that I'm not two

It is so, so hard. That sentence is both flip and sincere at the same time. It really is hard to have so little control over your own body, to have so many things you want to do but can't, to have so little understanding of why things have to be they way they are and not the way you want them to be. I give thanks literally every single day that I am not two. And that I do not remember being two.

At the same time, you sometimes have to laugh at the child who is crying because you gave her the thing she asked for, or the child who is violently protesting the fact that you stepped away from her after she announced, "I'm gonna hurt you" and then pinched you, or the child who is yawning and rubbing her eyes and screaming, "I'm not tired, I'm just sad!"

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