Monday, August 30, 2010

First day of preschool

Today was Juniper's first day at the Oakhurst Cooperative Preschool.

Ready to go!

Juniper and her teacher, Ms. Joycelyn.

Some kids were sad or nervous when their parents dropped them off. Juniper ran to the play kitchen and announced that she wanted to make rice. It was hard to get her attention to say goodbye before we left.

On the other hand, she was a little sad when Aaron came to pick her up; she didn't want to leave. In order to get her out of the classroom, Aaron offered to take her out to the playground for a bit.

Her class spends 45 minutes each day on the playground. We hear that Juniper spent most of her playground time today riding on a tricycle. My public health heart is warmed by the early emphasis on injury prevention - yay, bike helmets!

Apparently, Juniper was having too much fun during school to focus on her lunch. After 15 minutes on the playground with Dad, she announced that she was hungry and proceeded to eat the remainder of her lunch. (Those who know Juniper's eating habits will not be surprised to hear that during lunchtime, she did eat her fruit.)

A: Do you want to come back on Wednesday?
J: Yeah!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Climbing Girls

Like her buddy Violet, Juniper also loves to climb. This is at the playground of her new preschool, which she starts tomorrow! First day of (pre)school pics to follow...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Festival Fun

Last weekend the preschool at our church held a bluegrass festival fundraising event. We all enjoyed the music and the many kids' activities.

Juniper waiting her turn to go in the bounce house.

Bounce! Juniper seemed to enjoy the bounce house most when she could hold on to one of the corners for a little extra support.

She knew exactly what she wanted at the face painting station: a red heart. The face painter suggested an ice cream cone for her other cheek (to match her shirt).

Juniper was very pleased with her face painting results. Bath time that night was full of sadness when she realized that the heart was coming off.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Smarty Pants

Standing in a hotel lobby and looking at a picture of a planet, in the brochure for a science museum.

Hotel employee: Are you going to Mars?
J: It's not Mars. It's Jupiter. It's Jupiter because it has a big spot.

Playing with one of her animal finger puppets.

J: What is is?
S: An...elephant.
J: No, it's not an elephant; it's a lion! What does it have?
S: It has a mane on its head.
J: It's a daddy lion. What is it called?
S: I don't know. What do you think it's called?
J: A male lion.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Supergirl on the run

More California pictures to come soon, but here's one of our favorite Juniper photos from the trip.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Self identity

Juniper: "I'm the Green Goblin, but my head is a robot."

Monday, August 2, 2010