Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Japan: Golden Pavilion

The Golden Pavilion is a Zen Buddhist temple, and popular tourist destination. In case you can't tell in this small photo, the golden refers to actual gold, not just gold color. It was remarkably lovely, and we had the good fortune to arrive as the sun was just beginning to set and make the world glow.

The original temple was built in the 14th century, though the building was destroyed several times. The current pavilion building was constructed in the 1950s.

Perhaps the most shocking thing about this picture is the plastic bottle lying on the ground. We saw almost no litter in Japan...

...and certainly not in a place so well tended that someone sweeps the moss.

Prayer candles

Our girls were horrified by the smoke and smell of the incense. No amount of supposed good luck to come was going to get them to stand by while we wafted the smoke over them.

This photo was hard to come by. The girls are not so interested in smiling for the camera. We negotiated a smiling picture...

 ...with the promise of silly pictures to follow.

This one was an all natural, genuine smile.

Old statues--you can see that the faces are worn away.

And on our way out, ice cream sandwiches!

What a good dad.

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