Monday, May 18, 2015

Japan: Mountains

While in Osaka, we visited Mount Tenpo. At 4.5m above sea level, it makes the somewhat dubious claim to be Japan's lowest mountain.

 The Mount Tenpo park was full of blooming cherry trees--some of the nicest we saw while in Japan.
Mount Fuji was a more impressive sight. The surrounding landscape would have been beautiful even without Fuji-San: lakes, hillsides covered with yellow grasses, several mountains in the distance. And then on top of that already amazing landscape was the tallest mountain of all, seemingly rising up out of the clouds themselves.

One of our favorite activities in Japan was hiking up to the top of this smaller mountain near Mount Fuji. (We got a boost by starting the hike from an observation site that was already well up the side of the mountain.) The hike was fun in and of itself, and on the way down we were walking into the view of Fuji-San.

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